Interview with Travel Enthusiast Becky from GlobalGrasshopper from UK
We are starting Travel Interview series at Maavalan India Travels, where we will try to connect with various travel enthusiasts who will share their travel stories and experiences.
Today we are glad to have Becky Padmore with us. Becky is UK-based, The young, dynamic mind behind GlobalGrasshopper – an award winning global magazine and resource for independent travelers.
(The following Interview is conducted by Swati Bhalla from Maavalan India Travels)
Hey, Becky, great to have you @ Maavalan India Travels ?
1) Kindly introduce yourself to our readers?
Hi, I’m Becky from Global Grasshopper a travel blog and resource for independent travelers.
2) What’s the URL of your Travel Blog and why did you start this blog?
You’ll find us at http://www.globalgrasshopper.com/ we started with the intentions to log our many journeys over the world both in writing and photographs, it then grew from there.
3) Are you a backpacker/long term traveler/business traveler/live and work abroad?
I’m a semi-nomadic traveler. When not traveling I live in leafy South West London.
4) How do you fund your travel (savings/work whilst traveling/other)?
Now we travel mostly through paid campaigns working with travel brands and tours boards.
5) What is the first trip you remember taking and how old were you?
When I was six I was taken to Bavaria to visit my mom’s side of the family, I remember staying on the family farm there and playing with all the farm animals!
6) Have you been anywhere which turned out to be totally different to how you imagined? If so, how?
I think Athens as I had heard mixed reports about it but I absolutely loved it! It’s a little rough around the edges but I loved its energy and vibrancy I absolutely loved it.
7. Have you had any bad experiences while traveling?
Yes, a few, food poisoning, money changing scams and some unwanted attention from strangers but traveling is always about taking the good with the bad!
8. Where is your favorite place in the world?
Havana, Cuba I’ve never been to a place like it – the atmosphere is incredible!
9. Which all places you have on your bucket list?
I still haven’t been but would love to go to Canada, South Africa, and Norway.
10. If you were not traveling what would you be doing instead?
Hmm good question, maybe writing eBooks for a living.
11. Do you have any advice or tips for aspiring travelers?
Take the rough with the smooth, always respect the local culture and please don’t participate in attractions where animals suffer like elephant riding, dolphin shows etc. I have very strong feelings about this!
12. What has travel taught you?
To go with the flow and find the positive in everything.
13. Where can people connect with you on Social Media?
You can find us on our Facebook Page and Twitter.
Thank You so much, Becky, for your time. Wish you great success ahead ?
@ readers
We hope you liked the travel interview we had with Becky. We will connect with more travelers and bring valuable information for our readers. Till then connect with us on Facebook, we will take you to INCREDIBLE INDIA journey 🙂